For the second week in a row Sharon was working, which meant that I had the pink slip to go out and do some fishing. Western’s girlfriend also had plans, so for the second week in a row he joined me.
I arrived at the water at around 7am after complicating the process of getting there. Western was running again so he was going to join me at around 10am. The good news was that I’d remembered the key this time, and so I could actually do some fishing instead of sitting around in the car.
There was another club member there setting up his tube so we had a quick chat while we kitted up, and then we both hit the water. The wind was howling, but luckily it was mostly from behind so casting wasn’t too difficult.
I managed to land a small Rainbow Trout of around 17″ just after 8am. It took a large Mrs Simpson as I was lifting it out of the water for my next cast. Success! Sadly this was to be the only fish of the day. Western did arrive at around 10am but never even saw a fish. And as for the man in the tube, he had no luck either.
At around 3pm, when the howling wind finally got the better of us, we packed up and headed to the local pub for a few beers and the rugby. Not too bad for a man in a cast…